

School Engagement Services


Eddee is your school engagement specialist. We assist schools to create positive change both within and beyond the school fence. We understand that every school is unique and we take the time to understand your...


Eddee is your schools business engagement specialist. The education sector is a unique marketplace, there are over 12,000 schools in Australia representing an attractive opportunity for many businesses.  However, it is not an easy market...

About Us

The Eddee team work with schools and businesses across Australia. Our head office is based in Melbourne, however, we have team members and clients in NSW and Victoria as well as a number of clients...

Engaging the Digital School Community

While most school leaders are Gen X and can remember a world before the internet and mobile phones, most school parents are digital natives. To... Read More "Engaging the Digital School Community"

Catchment Analysis

Share of catchment is the best indicator of future enrolments, but it is not the only consideration.  In working with different schools, it is apparent... Read More "Catchment Analysis"

Key inflection points in school enrolments

School enrolments are a lag indicator of school success, because the cause of the change in enrolment numbers precedes the change by months and even... Read More "Key inflection points in school enrolments"

What are the leading indicators of future school enrolments?

The difficulty with enrolments being a measure of past school performance (lag indicator) is that it raises the question – “what are the leading indicators... Read More "What are the leading indicators of future school enrolments?"